We welcome your feedback, ideas, and suggestions for this site. Please send all such letters to [email protected]

If you are interested in advertising on Travelbridges, please email us at [email protected] for a copy of our advertising rates and policies.


   We very much look forward to reading your writings, hearing your stories, looking at your photos, and watching your videos. Travel related material from any location in any language is welcome. Submissions can be made by email, postal mail, or by putting them online yourself.  When submitting material, please include the following information:

  • Full Name
  • Email Address
  • Postal Mailing Address
  • Title of Presentation
  • A statement of consent for us to publish that material.
    (I give Worldbridges my consent to publish the following material in their publications:  Title1, Title2, ...)

Email Submsions

  • Written materials:  Please send all written materials as .txt or .html files to [email protected]
  • Titled Photos: (no accompanying text or narration) For copyright purposes, each photo must have a title even if it is just 'myphoto1'.  Photos must be no more than 80KB each and submitted in .jpg format.  Please send your photos to [email protected]

    We welcome the following materials even if they are not 'web ready'.  However, if they have not been prepared for immediate uploading, there may be significant delays in getting them online.

  • Photo Essays: (photos accompanied by text)  The best way to submit these via email is as a zipped file of web ready .html and .jpg files.  We can also accept these a group of .txt and .jpg attachments, provided that each piece of text clearly indicates which photo it corresponds with.  Each photo must be no more than 80KB and the entire essay must be no more than 1 MB.  Please send your photo essays to [email protected]
  • Narrated Slide Shows: For now, these can only be submitted via email as synchronized Real Media files.  In order to do so, you will need to purchase Real Publisher (US$50).  If you've gotten that far, but haven't figured out how to synchronize the narration with the photos, you can send a zipped combination of a Real Audio file and .jpg and/or .html files.  Please send your narrated slide shows to [email protected]
  • Video:  Videos submitted via email, must  be sent as Real Video files not exceeding 1MB.  In order to do so, you will need to purchase Real Publisher (US$50).  Please send your videos to [email protected]  In order to use your video in a CD-ROM or Videotape product we will need a hard copy of it mailed to us in VHS, Hi8, or DV format.

Postal Mail Submisions

You can use postal mail to send us any type of material.    PLEASE DO NOT send us the only copy of your creative work.  Make sure you have a back up just in case it gets lost on the way.  We will not be able to return your submisions, but we will provide acknowledgment of their receipt (via email only) as soon as they have been recieved and logged.  Please allow 3-4 weeks for such acknowledgement.The following guidelines apply when submitting material via postal mail:

  • Written materials must be submitted on 3.5" floppy disks as .txt files.  We will not be able to use handwritten materials.
  • Photos must be submitted as prints or on 3.5" floppy disks as .jpg files.  Each photo must be no more than 80KB.
  • Audio materials can be submitted on cassette tape or as Real Audio files on a 3.5" floppy disk.  Please make sure the presentation is already edited for publication.
  • Video materials can be sent in VHS, Hi8, or DV format. Please make sure the presentation is already edited for publication.

Since Travelbridges does not yet have a permanent headquarters, the following address is valid only until October 15, 1998.  PLEASE DO NOT MAIL materials to this address after that date.
c/o Goos Tours

Putting Your Materials Online

This is the quickest and most reliable way to submit your materials to Travelbridges.  In addition to local ISP's, there are many companies that provide free space on the Web.  Our favorite is Xoom, but you can click here to see a list of other companies that provide this kind of service.  Once you have uploaded your material, email us at [email protected] with the submission information mentioned above.



Travelbridges is a member of the Worldbridges Network